Monday, August 24, 2009

Week of August 24 - 28

Welcome to week 2!

Math Facts:
This week we are going to continue on our math facts review. Our focus is review of addition facts. Monday thru Thursday the class takes a 60 second practice test with 40 problems. Any problems they miss, they will have to write 3 times each for homework.

1st Years:
We will begin working on Unit 1: Number and Operations. This week we have Lesson 1: Multiplying Whole Numbers. When you multiply, the numbers being multiplied are called factors, and the answer is called the product.

2nd Years:
We will begin working on Unit 1: Number and Operations. This week we have Lesson 1: Integers. Integers are whole numbers and their opposites. Integers can be compared using a number line. As you move from left to right on the number line, the numbers are ordered from least to greatest. All negative numbers are less than zero. Use <> to compare numbers.

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